2024/2025 Fundraising
Tickets on sale through early December
First drawing on December 1st!
Second drawing on December 10th!
Each prize will be drawn separately
Premium reserved IHS & IMS event seating,
Original artwork created by faculty, and
Guest conducting for Ipswich's
most beloved concert traditions!
Accepting cash or check to IMADA
To purchase, see any IMADA Board Member or Student Ambassador, or Email: [email protected]
See these IMADA Board Members for Tickets:
Meg Travis, Earl Powers, Claire Powers,
Mollie Harb, Lori Brock, Kelly Whitmore,
Kelly Barrett, Robin Estrin, and
students Cory Binnette, Maddison Dodge, & Emily Siebertz
100% of funds raised go to IMADA (501(c)(3))
to support of Ipswich Middle & High Schools music, theater, and visual arts programs and enrichment!